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    Mobile phone:+86 15662555039
    Address:200m east section of Quyang Road, Linqu County, Weifang City, Shandong Province
Should we choose high intensity magnetic separator or low intensity magnetic separator
Author:Weifang Guoming mining equipment Co., Ltd  Time:2021-06-05 Number of hits:496

According to the size of magnetic force, magnetic separation equipment can be divided into high-intensity magnetic separator and low-intensity magnetic separator. What's the difference between them? How should we choose when we use them

1. The magnetic field intensity of high intensity magnetic separator is more than 10000 Gauss, which is called high intensity magnetic separator. High gradient high intensity magnetic separator is mainly used for manganese ore, ilmenite, chrome ore and so on. The beneficiation effect is very good.

2. The magnetic induction intensity of the equipment magnetic roller is up to 12000gs, and the maximum can reach 14000gs, which has the magnetic attraction that other equipment can't reach, and meets the requirements of efficient separation of low-grade weak magnetic ore.

Low intensity magnetic separator, the intensity of the magnetic field is generally between 800 and 2000 OE, used to separate strong magnetic minerals.


Therefore, the magnetic force of these two magnetic separators is not the same. There are two kinds of magnetic separators: dry magnetic separators and wet magnetic separators. The difference between high-intensity magnetic wet magnetic separators and ordinary magnetic separators is that there is no slot in high-intensity magnetic separators. Therefore, in the process of operation, we must select the appropriate magnetic separator according to the material needed for magnetic separation.

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Weifang Guoming mining equipment Co., Ltd


Contacts:Manager Chen
Mobile phone:+86 15662555039
Address:200m east section of Quyang Road, Linqu County, Weifang City, Shandong Province